Total reviews


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★★★★★ Excellent 2586
★★★★☆ 좋음 83
★★★☆☆ Medium 12
★★☆☆☆ Poor 2
★☆☆☆☆ Terrible 3

All reviews

1 day ago

Great quality, terrible parallax

The surface is silky smooth and really feels like the real thing. it works just as you expect, buttons are nice and clicky. Only downside (major one) is that the parallax is absolutely TERRIBLE, it's only good enough for airsoft if even. When mounted on a rifle it's not as bad as you're likely gonna be aligned quite well, but I would definitely not put this on a pistol.

1 day ago

This was the first optic I bought like this. I absolutely love it. The co witness is on point. I would buy again. Worth the money

1 day ago


1 day ago

I have a real Wilcox and this one. I really like both. This unit is specifically for a digital NVD build I started. It works very well. Like shockingly well. But, go read the reviews for yourself. Some have actually seen some things and done some stuff. All in all, worth the buy if you are aware of what you are getting.

1 day ago

Like others have said, all depends on your need. If you have the money to spend on real thing, I'd never say don't. But if you want to save a few hundred dollars and still get the function, hard not to buy this. Built well and seems durable, time will tell. I did not have any "wobble" and that is a great surprise. In my opinion, this is absolutely worth the purchase and I would buy again.

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